British claim on the captured marine in Persian Gulf discredited by allowing Rajavi terrorist cult to act as its spokesman

While diplomatic efforts, together with wider western pressure, are being used to resolve the crisis, the British Government’s position was discredited by allowing an interview with the Mojahedin Khalq Terrorist organisation (Rajavi cult) representative, Hussein Abedini (Mojahedin Khalq Organisation or National Council of Resistance of Iran) in London .

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Update on Mojahedin Khalq Organisation in Europe

the report of which was published by British Parliament’s website, UK Foreign Office minister Kim Howells responded to some MPs’ request for lifting MKO from terror list:”On the proscription of Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Home Office rejected an application for de-proscription last year and that is, strictly speaking, a matter for the Home Office.”

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Britain Keeps MKO on Black List

In the meeting, the report of which was published by British Parliament’s website, UK Foreign Office minister Kim Howells responded to some MPs’ request for lifting MKO from terror list:”On the proscription of Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Home Office rejected an application for de-proscription last year and that is, strictly speaking, a matter for the Home Office.”

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UK Lords must eventually face the facts

western governments can come to an agreement as to what terrorism means. Whenever the economic and special interests of the west are in danger, there seems to be no hindrance or doubt in working with known terrorists. The violent and barbaric regime of Taliban came to power in 1996 amidst a civil war with the backing of Pakistan and C.I.A. with funding from Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. And it seems Pakistan is now being portrayed as a close ally in the fight against terrorism.

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MKO’s political recruits still battling against British interests

Brian Binley (Northampton South, Conservative)
I notice that the Foreign Secretary did not touch on the question of external resistance to the Iranian regime. Some time ago, the Americans gave protected persons status to the Mujaheddin of Iran in Camp Ashraf. Later, the German courts reconfirmed the rights of political asylum for Iranian refugees, whose status had previously been suspended …

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Beckett: MKO is a Terrorist Group

Margaret Beckett, in her first exclusive meeting with the foreign press in the UK, responded to a question on the MKO and, about why the group was still active in Iraq said:”Britain considers MKO a terrorist organization and opposes this group. However, banning the activities of this group in Iraq is up to the Iraqi government and the US as the commander of coalition forces in Iraq.”

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MEK Status in Iraq for Iraqi Government to Decide

Lord Triesman (Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Foreign & Commonwealth Office) Hansard source
Any statements or declarations made by Iraqi nationals in Iraq about the legal and political status of the”People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran”, also known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) inside Iraq, are a matter for the Government of Iraq. The MEK is proscribed in the United Kingdom under the Terrorism Act 2000.

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