Open letter of the Faryadeh Azadi to Mr. Kobler

The leadership of this cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI]considers the shutting down of their main cultic stronghold , Ashraf, as a blow to its years of deceptions and demagoguery through taking advantage of the life of 3400 man and woman ,for this reason the leaders of this cult consider your efforts and your endeavors to relocate those stranded members …

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UN puts forward roadmap for relocation of MKO

The roadmap has been designed to address the concerns of both the residents[of camp Ashraf] and the Government of Iraq, the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) said in a news release, adding that its roadmap outlines preparations to be made and a “step-by-step approach for the relocation,” which addresses issues such as water and power supply and other humanitarian needs.

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UN urges peaceful solution to Camp Ashraf standoff

Ban called on the Iraqi government and residents of both camps[Liberty & Ashraf] “to continue to work together in a constructive and flexible manner in order to complete the relocation process without further delay.”He stressed the importance of residents of both camps cooperating with Iraqi authorities and stressed the U.N.’s commitment to a peaceful solution.

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UN Concerned about MKO’s Lack of Subordination

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq, Martin Kobler, expressed concern about the terrorist Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO)’s resistance against a relocation of its members from its main training base in Camp Ashraf to a transient settlement facility in Camp Liberty around Baghdad…

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Kobler: Iraq the only negotiator part with UN

Kobler noted that”it is necessary for the international community to accelerate its efforts to resettle the population outside Iraq urgently,”stressing that”the United Nations will remain a partner in the process of peaceful and voluntary transfer and this is not negotiable.”

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UN envoy concerned about delay in relocating MKO members

I urge the remaining residents of Camp Ashraf to relocate to Camp Hurriya without delay,” the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Martin Kobler, said. “The relocation process should not be stalled. I am concerned that there will be violence if the relocation doesn’t recommence. Any violence would be unacceptable..

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Imposture of MKO leadership for more bloodshed

the imposture and deceptions of the leadership of mujahedin’s cult( PMOI, MKO, MEK, Rajavi’s cult) for more bloodshed and killing of those captives in Ashraf has entered to the new phase and this time with new tricks they are trying their best to obstruct in the peaceful leaving process of those stranded captives from Iraq because according to Rajavi’s speech..

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UN Rapporteur Admits: Iran Victim of MKO Terrorism

The UN Special Reporter for Human Rights in Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, admitted in his new report that the Iranian people have been a victim of the terrorist activities carried out by the members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). ..it has been explicitly mentioned in a report by the UN special rapporteur that based on documents, 17,000 Iranian people have been targeted by MKO’s violence, and that the country is a victim of terrorism,..

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U.N. Iraq chief: The countries of the world must take MEK refugees

The U.N. held a resettlement conference on March 27 in Geneva and the response was”not overwhelming, to say the least,”Kobler said…Part of the difficulty of dealing with the MEK group members at Camp Ashraf is that they have been cut off from the world for years”My message to these supporters is, spend your energies not so much on attacking the United Nations or others. Spend your energies to convince your governments to take them into your countries..

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UN welcomes relocation of MKO members

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will immediately start the process of verification and refugee status determinations, a key step in preparing the submissions of eligible candidates for resettlement in third countries.Today’s relocation is in line with the memorandum of understanding signed in December by the UN and the Iraqi Government to resolve the situation facing the residents of Camp New Iraq (formerly Camp Ashraf)..

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