On the Anniversary of Explosion at US offices in Tehran

On January 1973 a few terrorist explosions took place in some American buildings and companies including RTI Radio Television Company and Pan American airlines. The terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq which pretends to be a human rights defender issued statements and claimed the responsibility for the explosions. The MKO (PMOI) stated that such acts were in line with their anti-capitalist and anti-American objectives..there are more than 12000 Iranians and thousands of Iraqis and Kuwaitis assassinated by MKO..

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Objection Letter of Families of Terror Victims to the Representatives of the US House

Do you know which terrorist organization murdered Col. Paul Schaefer and Liet. Col. Jack Turner?Indeed, do you know Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), their strategic approach and their activities in the past and at present? Are you aware of the consequences of letting a terrorist group, which has collaborated with Eastern Bloc and acted as the private army of Saddam Hussein in suppressing the Iraqi Kurds and Shiites…

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Letter of Mr. Naderi to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

… MKO/MEK/PMOI with such a terrorist identity had participated in many crimes against humanity in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s reign and they cooperated with Saddam Hussein by all means. This organization with such a terrorist content and essence while the catastrophic event of 9/11 occurred in USA by the terrorist Al Quaida organization, they began throwing parties and distributing cookies, candies, and pastries among their members in their garrisons and military bases in Iraq to celebrate this cowardly and shameful attack which caused the death of thousands American men and women in twin towers and other places on US soil …

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Mr. Piransar Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

… As a veteran and former member of this organization and according to my own knowledge of their internal relations and their thoughts and ideology, this is my humane duty to warn you that do not trust them by no means and do not be deceived by their beautiful slogans which are totally hollow and meaningless for them. This organization[MEK/MEK/PMOI] is not just “suspect of terrorism”, it is a terrorist organization itself which has come on the political stage equipped with glamorous and deceitful slogans and…

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Mr. Sarrafpour Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

.. You are a mother yourself and I am sure you understand the feeling of this young girl (Maryam) and her old grandfather to meet the father of this young girl. Why MKO leaders panic to allow a father that after 22 years still have not seen her daughter, reunite even for an hour with his family? The truth is that, Rajavi and MKO leader trying to keep absolute control over their members by separating them from their family; Consequently, getting undivided loyalty and attention. At the same time, in Europe, Maryam Rajavi, is trying to claim a humanitarian face for her MKO cult while denying a young girl to meet her father. Why they are so scare of meeting a young girl with her father? …

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Help the hostages taken by terrorist Mojahedin Khalq

… It is good to see that the State Department has included the name of National Council of Resistance (NCRI) in the list of terrorists as another name for Mojahedin Khalq but we believe that there should be less tolerance of this organisation and certainly more help to free the ones who do not wish to continue working for this terrorist (MKO, MEK, NCRI, Rajavi cult) organisation. The families of the victims of this terrorist cult, some of them have not seen their loved ones for the last two decades..

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Letter of the Families of Terror Victims to the US Secretary of the Interior

the members of Justice Supporters Association comprising the families of terror victims of Iran would like to ask you, considering the background of this organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI], how could it receive permission for holding a rally? Don’t you consider this measure taken by your Department as an act denying the rights of victims of this organization and degrading the international efforts for fighting against terrorism?

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State Department amused by MKO so called Revelations

… Q With the — with the Iranian nuclear site — MR. TONER: I believe they’ve made claims in the past, yes… Q They have asked that the secretary of State remove the blacklisting of Iran’s main opposition, the People’s Mujaheddin Organization of Iran. Any plans to do that?.. MR. TONER: The so-called MEK? I believe they’re still deemed a foreign terrorist organization. No plans that I’m aware of to change that …

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US Department of State report transfixed the laughter on MKO lips

… Happiness and rejoice of the Mojahedin-e Khlaq members did not last for a long time and the laughter transfixed on their lips soon. After that the US federal court issued an order to the Department of State for reviewing the terrorist designation of the MKO [MEK/PMOI/NCRI], Leaders of this organization intended to pretend that they had nothing to do with arms and terrorism. Now following the Department of state’s report for keeping the name of this organization in the terrorist list of US, they are completely stupefied…

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