Dismantling MKO, the US sing of good-will

..covert action to undermine the Tehran regime has already been under way intermittently for the past decade. Until now, however, the CIA has operated without a by using proxies. Pakistan and Israel, for example, provide weapons and money to insurgent groups in southeast and northwest Iran. ..

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Momentum built for Cheney impeachment

While the American media has decided to keep Kucinich’s announcement on a low profile 54 percent of the Americans are in favor of impeaching Cheney according to an American Research Group survey conducted last July. Analysts believe the number of pro-impeachment Americans is on the rise due to Cheney’s hawkish policies …

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Why are MKO terrorists supported by Neocons and Israelis?

Although the United States military command in Iraq recently announced that nine Iranians arrested in Iraq by U.S. forces will soon be released, neocons in the Bush administration are delaying the release. The arrested Iranians, including five diplomats seized at an Iranian diplomatic office in the Iraqi Kurdistan capital of Erbil

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The US Utilizing a Terrorist Group

“The United States sees itself as being somewhat exceptional in the international community,”Marandi said,”it allows itself to support terrorist organizations that have killed thousands of Iranians on the streets of Tehran and other major cities. The MKO spied for Saddam Hussein during the war. These terrorists were and are stationed in Iraq, in Europe and the United States.”

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The neocons’ unholy alliance

the Rajavis sold out their fellow Iranians to Saddam Hussein, trading intelligence about their home country for a place to house their Marxist-Islamist Rajavi sect. While Mujahedeen(PMOI/MKO) press releases were pouring out last month, taking undue credit for the nightly demonstrations, many antigovernment Iranians were rejoicing over the arrest of Maryam Rajavi and wondering where Massoud was hiding and why he, too, hadn’t been apprehended.

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A different kind of blitz

Not only does Iran maintain it but so does the IAEA in its report. There is no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and, crucially, no evidence of “diversion” of nuclear material. Note also that “Washington” (ie the Bush Administration) is taken at its word -the Times reports it as “fearing” rather than ‘claiming to fear’.

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Is US backing Maliki’s government?

Washington, which has long been eyeing Iraq’s oil reserves– the second largest in the world–, has been exerting pressures on the Iraqi government and parliament to pass a controversial oil draft law that safeguards the interests of foreign oil companies rather than of the Iraqi nation. The US has been pushing on with the law, claiming that it will guarantee a more equitable distribution of oil revenues among Iraqis. Yet another baseless claim aimed at disguising the real motivation of the Bush Administration.

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The US and a Decision to Show Good-Will

there is a big question mark here. Among the many questions imposed by Iranian side concerning Iraq would be the US forces’ supporting of a terrorist group blacklisted by its own State Department. If the both countries are indeed concerned about the troubled situation in Iraq, first they should deal with the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq or the Mojahedin cult that has long threatened the security of certain Iraqi regions.

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