Official: No decision yet on Iranian dissidents MEK

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has not moved any closer to removing an Iranian dissident group from the U.S. list of terror organizations, senior Obama administration officials said on Monday.Speaking on background with reporters, a senior official said members of the Iraq-based Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) seem to “think that de-listing is now imminent.”..

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MEK terrorists on SDN list for 9 consecutive years

For 9 consecutive years, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI) terrorist group has been on the Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN). Following the publication of the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) by U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on June 12 …

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Appeals Court Ruling on the Mujahadin-e Khalq (MEK)

We continue to review the MEK’s designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) in accordance with the D.C. Circuit’s July 2010 decision and applicable law. Our review includes all relevant materials, including extensive materials provided by counsel to the MEK. At the conclusion of the review, the Secretary will make a decision regarding the designation…

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Open letter to the US State Department

Mr. Alireza Moazen Tabrizi who was also a former member of pmoi , found a sidearm ( Colt ) and two hand-grenades which were hidden purposely under bushes . He gave them to the TIPF Commanders, Colonel Wesley Martin and Colonel Leo McCloskey. surely, Brig. Gen. David Phillips and Gellaski the commanders of that time can remember ..

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MKO remains on US FTO list

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton plans to rule on whether to remove an Iranian dissident group from a U.S. terrorism blacklist about two months after its refugee camp in Iraq closes, ..

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US to review UNHCR referrals of some MKO members

With over half of the initial resident population now relocated to Camp Hurriya, the United States will be able to increase its focus on the safe relocation of the residents from Camp Hurriya out of Iraq. We join the call of the United Nations to member states to assist in ..

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Open letter to the President of USA , Mr. Barack Obama

The Ashraf scuffles which has been carried out by the direct order of Rajavi , they pretend that those scuffles are US fault. I draw your attention to the following topics which the PMOI/MKO/MEK leadership have issued them in their Media: Maryam Rajavi’s speech ( after the representative’s speech in the US congress hearing session) From now on the responsibility of any blood which is shed in Ashraf , is on USA and the Iranian resistance is no longer ..

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