U.S. supports plan to relocate MEK terror group

“It will not in effect be an MEK-run facility, this is an Iraqi facility,”the official said, while stressing there would be U.N. monitors present to assure the facility does”not exist in the dark.”A second administration official described the facility as one with a good deal of”infrastructure,”and at a site that is”well known”to the United States. Neither official would confirm or deny whether the proposed facility is a former U.S. military base..

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U.S. officials warn that MEK is obstructing humanitarian solution in Ashraf

U.S. officials testified before the House Foreign Affairs Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee last week that efforts to peacefully resolve the standoff are being rebuffed by MEK aka MKO/PMOI leadership. U.S. Special Adviser on Camp Ashraf Daniel Fried said MEK leadership has impeded a refugee resettlement process and interfered with the UN’s ability to conduct interviews with individuals at the encampment.

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US State Department: MKO Still Terrorist Group

The US still labels the anti-Iran Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) as a terrorist group, says U.S. State Department Persian spokesman Alan Eyre.When asked whether the United States considers MKO aka MEK/PMOI a viable opposition group, he said: “No. The U.S. considers the Mujahedin-e Khalq a terrorist organization. That’s it.”

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Why the US State Department doesn’t trust the MEK

A clearer picture of what US leaders really think of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI/NCR can be found in earlier assessments of the group by the US government—at a time when MEK’s connections in Western governments weren’t as extensively developed. Today the MEK propaganda efforts mentioned in this report are showing their effects.Excerpts from 1992 report by Congressional Research Service addressed to Lee H. Hammilton, Chairman…

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Defending MEK, Mukasey, Ridge & Freeh Attack Obama

The New York Times also recently noted that the Obama administration — far from abandoning the MEK members in Iraq — has been engaged in active diplomacy to get them out of harm’s way, eventually hoping to relocate them to a third country outside Iran (where they’re also likely to face persecution) or Iraq. However, the diplomacy, reported the Times, has thus far hit a dead end because “the residents are refusing to leave, and no countries have come forward to welcome them.”

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MKO former member open letter to the US Secretary of state

… PMOI/MKO/MEK does not have the character , relations, formation or establishment and the leadership of an organization or a democratic party. .. Massoud Rajavi is the permanent spiritual leader of this current with this way of thinking and ideology never believes in democratic election within its organization and for this reason till he lives he will be the permanent leader and the owner …In Massoud Rajavi’s ideology and beliefs , he is the only one who has the ability to know the facts of our current world

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Investigate the case of lobbyists for MEK terror group in Washington

MEK has spent millions of dollars on lobbyists, PR agents an communications firms to build up pressure on Secretary Hillary Clinton to take the group off the terrorist list. In Horder, the Department of Justice, under both your direction and that of Attorney General Mukasey, argued that it was felony to file an amicus brief on behalf of a foreign terrorist organization, or to engage in public advocacy on behalf of such an organization, unless that advocacy was totally”independent”of the organization. How do you reconcile those arguments with the total absence of attention paid to lobbying activities in support of the MEK?

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Iranian Exile Group Poses Vexing Issue for U.S. in Iraq

After a half-dozen such sessions, he has made little progress in getting the group [MKO/MEK/PMOI] to agree to leave the camp before Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki’s government follows through on its promise to shut it down by the end of the year.Adding to his difficulties, the group has a formidable and well-financed communications machine. It has attracted political figures like Howard Dean and Wesley K. Clark, the retired Army general, by paying them to make speeches in support of the group…

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New U.S. approach to MKO overlooks the victims’ human rights

… The problem is not the name of Camp Ashraf or the name MEK. The Rajavi’s cannot simply re-name, re-brand or even relocate their group for political expediency and expect the ‘members’ to continue as their slaves. To solve this problem (before the question of whether they want to work for or against anyone) the residents must be given access to the outside world, to their families, to media, communications, get paid for their work and have access to the post office, cinema, marriage registry, birth registry, police station, legal aid, courts and legal bodies of the country they are living in etc. Nine years after the fall of Saddam …

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Mujahedin-E Khalq criminal investigation by FBI

A recently disclosed FBI report from 2004 reveals Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) continued to plan terrorist acts years after they claimed to renounce terrorism. The State Department has documented the MEK’s disturbing record: killing Americans and Iranians in terrorist attacks; fighting for Saddam Hussein against Iran and assisting Saddam’s brutal campaign against Iraq’s Kurds and Shia; its”cult-like”behavior; the abuses and even torture it commits against its own members; and its support for the U.S. embassy takeover and calls for executing the hostages ..

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