US State Department: No popular support for MKO among Iranians

… A U.S. State Department document released in May 2011 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act says the MEK has no popular support inside Iran and “to the extent Iranians know about this group they are far more likely to oppose it than support it.” It added, “Any U.S. support for MEK would extremely damage its reputation amongst Iranians and would increase anti-American sentiments in Iran.” The State Department cables quoted defectors as describing MEK as a cult that punishes former members. The cables said the MEK leadership ordered the execution of all attempted defectors …

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U.S. congressional delegation sets off political bomb in Iraq

After Rohrabacher later announced his investigation to the media, al-Maliki, who’s currently acting minister of defense as well as commander in chief, apparently hit the roof. ..The U.S. Embassy issued a statement explaining that Congress is a separate branch of government whose members often disagree with the executive branch. It said it was important for members of Congress to meet and exchange views with Iraqi leaders, “even when there are disagreements.”..

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U.S. saw leftist Iran opposition group Mujahadeen Khalq as a ‘cult’

… The State Department has concluded that the Mujahadeen Khalq, or MEK, was holding Iranian exiles against their will in Iraq’s Camp Ashraf. The department, in cables sent to Washington over the last 20 years, asserted that Mujahadeen set a policy of killing suspected defectors from the movement supported by the former Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. Wikipedia said the group which played a major role with the leftist Tudeh Party in the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, was more”religious, radical, anti-American”than the earlier generation of Iranian leftists …

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Retired US Officer: No Country Willing to Shelter MKO Members

No country in the world is ready to shelter the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) members and their only left option is a return to Iran, a retired US intelligence officer said.”We have talked with several countries via the US State Department but no one is willing to accept them in his country,”Steve Hasty said, addressing the audience at the ‘International Policy Institute’.”And the only way left for them might be a return to Iran,”he added.Hasty also warned about the MKO members’ severe sexual misconducts,

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US wants MKO terrorists relocated

Despite Iraq’s decision to close Camp Ashraf, the US has proposed that the terrorists residing in the base be relocated before their final resettlement in third countries.A senior US State Department official said on Thursday the plan was aimed at preventing more violence at Camp Ashraf, referring to a clash between Iraqi forces and members of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) back in April. ..The official said the Iraqi government was studying the new plan which would then be presented to the leaders of Camp Ashraf.

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ADVT’s message to September 11 families and US government

… would like to ask you that whether the time has not arrived to administer justice against terrorists who have committed crimes several times more than Bin Laden and his terrorist group? Can we celebrate a day in which the killers of our dearest family members have been tried by justice? Indeed, how long can we live with a feeling of insecurity and threat by some terrorists who are not different from Al-Qaeda or Bin Laden? The terrorist leaders of the MKO are trying to remove the name of their organization from the FTO list of your country and unfortunately some officials are helping them in achieving their illegal inhuman demand and …

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Should Washington Embrace the MEK?

..the MEK should not be declassified as a terrorist group, or for that matter receive any U.S. backing, for several reasons…Those who argue for backing the MEK aka MKO/PMOI because it would allegedly help destabilize the regime in Tehran give no specific recommendations, meanwhile affirming that they do not endorse the MEK as future rulers of Iran…Although the U.S. government should urge the Iraqi government to treat MEK members humanely, it must not remove the group from the list of terrorist organizations, or work with it in any way.

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US urges Iraq to facilitate MKO move

The United States has called for a”negotiated plan”to facilitate the move of the Iraq-based terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) to another country.US State Department spokesman Mark Toner urged Iraqi authorities on Tuesday to allow UN officials to visit the terrorist group’s base Camp Ashraf…

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US moots ‘negotiated’ plan for Iranian camp (Ashraf) in Iraq

..Iraq has ordered the exiled Iranian opposition group People’s Mujahedeen of Iran [MKO/MEK/PMOI] to leave the country by the end of this year”We’re prepared to help the government of Iraq develop and execute a negotiated plan ..,”State Department spokesman Mark Toner said….When asked whether the plan could include having the camp’s members transferred to a third country where they would not be tortured or abused, Toner replied:”Conceivably, yeah.”

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Rights Group Urges US Officials to Abandon Support for MKO

..To conduct a real campaign against terrorism, we, the families of terror victims, expect you to stop supporting and making an instrumental use of the terrorist groups, including the terrorist and anti-human group of Mojahedin-e Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI, as a tool and move towards the total annihilation of terrorism,..the terrorist group is one of the most hated terrorist organizations in the Middle-East, specially among the Iranian, Iraqi and Kuwaiti people..

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